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@mattketterer haha I have considered that option :) I'll stick with just the desk-smashing, for now
New resolution to the when the scrolling stops working on the mighty mouse? Smash it against the desk 2-3 times!
@boxee yeah, next time i go back into boxee all my calibration settings are gone.. is it possible to have them save?
@boxee Sorry for the low quality, hope they help (tried in 720p and 1080p) running most recent version.
@boxee No, in atv/boxee all sides go off the screen for me by a bit. I can send photos if you want to see
@boxee fyi: adjusting the screen size settings on atv don't seem to save
hahah windows(fusion) decided it wanted to hijack MY command key . Closed.
no seriously, i can't do any keyboard shortcuts that use command/apple - this sux
Wow, you just don't know how much you depend on a 'command' until it stops working for some odd reason
@boxee Hulu is much smoother on atv now. There seems to still be a screensize/rez issue. the sides of the screen are cut off. (in 1080/720)
bad start to the day. Had to reboot.. Twice!!
@Veronica Yes, themes on Google Reader would be awesome
Not sure what I think of the Google Reader redesign.. but apparently, Square is the Round..


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