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A Word From The Herd: ...Those live on the edge enjoy fresh air. Those in the middle usually have their nose up someone's butt.
Good grief, it has been 2 months since I twittered. I got to catch up on reading what you guys have been doing!
It is quiet at my house, which means I can hear my closet calling out, "clean me...clean me". I knew I should have went out! ;) - (I get a kick out of this video) Zumba is my new addiction.
I got a phone call with a girl's voice asking me to vote for Hillary. She sounded like she was doing a Clearasil commercial. hmmm
Furniture for my next business venture: Mork, Inc.
I am at a cross-roads in my life. Where is "The Scarecrow" when you need him?
"As you go down the road less traveled, make sure you have air in your spare."
New Year's "Rock On" Mission Statement: "Killer Queen" It was either that or Fat Bottomed Girls.
@creativesage, you actually made me want to give "meditating" a go. Sometimes people make a positive difference without knowing. Thank you!
@creativesage, following twitters is like listening to white noise. Sometimes you hear something interesting. I like your style.
A big package arrived from a long lost friend. Home-made fudge! (If I eat that my ass is going to be as big as her heart!) Thanks! I guess?
Going into NYC today. See you in the funnies.
Vision is important. If you don't work ahead, you fall behind everyone else.Don't wait for things to happen. Be positive-persevere :)
on 8/26 @chrisbrogan asked what will we be doing for the next 3 months. I answered the next 3 months are in the past. Still very true.
I am glad I didn't go into the office. My Christmas tree crashed to the floor. Whatta mess! (You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch!)
@andrewbadera, read your dog post. Sincerely saddened. I read your toilet post. Just plain sad. I hope your day gets better.
Went to see The Golden Compass last night. Visually fabulous. The storyline was like swiss cheese. Too many holes that went nowhere.
WTNH weatherman just mentioned "A Dog's Breakfast" @dhewlett. Observation: Twitter makes the world much smaller.
Dear Santa, I just laundered my cell phone. I've been good - I'm just "bad" domestically. I'd like a new cell & housekeeper. :)


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