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Audiencias y Publicaciones

Winding Up Wind, Renewables to Battle a Slowing Economy

Select Committee Hearing: Increased Renewable Energy Spurs Economic Growth, Green Jobs

With Wall Street tumbling, oil prices rising, and the specter of a recession hanging over America’s economy, new, invigorating economic strategies could put America’s economic growth back on course. One of those strategies is increasing the use of renewable energy technologies, which holds the potential for economic growth and domestic job creation. The Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming examined how smart policies that promote the construction of renewable energy can create jobs and grow the economy.
The range of jobs available in a green economy is wide and the potential employment impact is substantial. A recent analysis by the Cleantech Venture Network estimated that as many as 500,000 green jobs could be created by 2010. However, with key tax credits for renewable technologies set to expire at the end of 2008, America faces the prospect of losing more than 100,000 domestic job opportunities in 2009 alone.

WHAT: Select Committee hearing, “Blowing in the Wind: Renewable Energy as the Answer to an Economy Adrift.”

WHEN: Thursday, March 6, 2008, 9:30 AM

WHERE: 2175 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC

OPENING STATEMENT: Edward J. Markey, Chairman


Bianca Jagger, Chair, World Future Council
Vic Abate, Vice President, Renewable Energy, General Electric
Tom Buis, President, National Farmers Union
Barbara Lockwood, Manager, Renewable Energy Arizona Public Service Co.
Blair Sweezey, Senior Director, Solar Markets and Public Policy, Applied Materials
Bill Unger, Partner Emeritus, Mayfield Fund (Representing Environmental Entrepreneurs)


Markey question on renewable energy business potential.


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Bianca Jagger

Barbara Lockwood

Bill Unger

Vic Abate

Bianca Jagger

Tom Buis

Blair Swezey

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