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@Documentally Yr Qik stuff is coming through fine. Live Reuters vid good too. Let me know if he answers my bike commute question!
RT @reuters_co_uk: Conservative Party leader David Cameron Q&A via Twitter at Reuters. Watch live:
#askDC Labour seems to be in thrall to the car, despite Peak Oil. As a famous cycle commuter, would you reverse Labour's pro-car policies?
@alastairmck Mouse? So last century. I'm on a Mac so use telekinesis.
Negotiating usage fees via Twitter tennis.
@jowyang Izea is sponsoring me to blog for cash. I'm gonna get a $1.75 to spend in Woolworths...
Finally watched the Sports Personality of the Year Award. Boy, cycling creamed it! I've updated my BikeBiz piece:
@velotips Yes, planning on FF a lot! What did Wiggo say?
@velotips I've not watched it yet! We were out at friends, got back at 9.05pm. Gonna watch it soon. Just read everything so far
"Samuel L Jackson asked if he could have his photo taken with me," Chris Hoy at national film awards.
Usain Bolt of Jamaica won BBC's overseas sports personality of the year, only just beating @ivanbasso and @m_rasmussen (just kidding).
For British Cycling team to win in same year as a Brit soccer team wins Champions League is amazing.
British Cycling also won 'team of the year' and Dave Brailsford won 'coach of the year'. Fantastic mainstream result for cycling.
Pic of Chris Hoy entering the TV studio on his bike, his many muscles rippling: No Sky HD+ suit, though. Big TV audience
Odd day tomorrow. Phil Latz, editor of Bicycling Australia, is popping round, and then I sell raffle tickets and puds at school nativity.
Apologies, that should have said 'kwanza/Chunnukah/Christmas/pagan winter festival tree.
Got Christmas tree today. Now hours of work for Jude to decorate it!
@boneshakerbike Agreed. @lancearmstronng is the Bike Twitter Godfather. A few are still unconfirmed:


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