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RIght NOW - anybody want to know what the weather's like here turn on NFL football - seahawks vs jets- pouring snow in seattle! so strange!
@cdwinsby I hear ya! We are still snowy over here in Milton too! 3+" last night and it's still coming!
@nahiacreations oh it's on it's way! We got dumped on yesterday, go play while you can :)
"whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24
Today there will be no exodus of la casa. More snow last night &ystdy I slid down hill in van instead of going up. Not trying it again! - This sweet angled jar will be given away in the next week! Details coming soon!
@indiebusiness - Oh wow! I wanna be there - it's frostyville here!
Happy Birthday dm! Hope it is wonderful!
@Divapalooza that's how I found out.. My 5y.o. told on her!
@indiebusiness off topic - you have very pretty fingernails :) RT: Just arrived! Goodies for IndieShopping.TV
@saponifier oh wow! that's a big decision!
I officially say that Jim Carrey's Grinch is scary! Like batman scary!
@Divapalooza that's why I fired our nanny - she drug 2yo up stairs by wrist, hit her & god only knows what else! Don't trust anyone now! - And here is the shrimpy amount of snow we have at our place near seattle.. - Here is my neice in the snow, keep in mind she's 5'9" tall! - @saponifier, @essentialU, @nahiacreations here is a pic of my MIL near my hometown, check out all their snow!
@soultravelers3 hey - that's cute :) we don't have climbing santa's on hour house this year.. perhaps next year..
@indiebusiness wow! that's awesome! RT:talking w/Good Hsekeeping @how to start Indie Business, 4-May '09 issue,features IBN memeber
@grapeseedco I wanna go! wish I was in CA! sounds like so much fun!


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