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A nice mention on The Art of Apparel blog for our hoodie templates
@akillerwombat woah out of the blue like that? did she know you before? Sounds incredibly awkward!
@akillerwombat did you ask her out while you were at the bank? Like depositing a check and "hey let's go out...?"
Its Friday and I'm sure everyone's out partying but we have a sale at the Arsenal $25 off any order $50 or more at
Dropped my ipod in the snow before I left for work this morning. My neighbor handed it to me 20 min ago, still works but a restore is needed
gearing up for a last minute Christmas sale for the Arsenal, stay tuned!
I think I fixed the author link in the comments - changed the single quotes to double quotes around the no follow stuff. Should be working
slush everywhere this morning, wet shoes and socks and nowhere to change them :-(
@ghost4hire how did the JS get in there? How come some have that and some don't?
actually, every comment on a post, the author's name link is broken. It looks like it's incorrectly adding a nofollow
@ghost4hire "Every Link opens the correct URL, but with '%20rel='external%20nofollow appended directly to the adress
Except for upgrading to WP 2.7.
Help! anyone know why the links in the "user link feed" on gomediazine are broken? I didn't change anything!
Duplass brothers (Puffy Chair, Baghead) set to make Hollywood film not sure how I feel about that
@musebin - Someone mentioned posting my little reviews of music to you. How is that done? What's musebin all about?


John Resig Chris Coyier Matt Wigham brad colbow TeamDoom Liz Hunt skellie ptagueodactyl mitchbones adii Rich Menga Aaron Irizarry Hunty Freshbooks ifyoumakeit Jay Hilgert adelle Louis Liem Nate Maggio akillerwombat alexis popdeck buysellads Feed collis Haley seanHodge Hillman JoeyDoom lordnahkim Vectips jer / linear kim_gomedia Adam_Wagner quakerninja