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@monvoix what ver of Flash are you running - lag has worsened with the upgrade to FP 10 - seems confined to the Firefox plugin as well
Obviously I love Adobe's products - but if they don't optimize Flash for the Mac soon, I'm going to throw my computer out the window
@monvoix sat right in front of "the soprano lady" in church this AM - did nothing for my headache...*sigh*
need a cheap flight to Miami in mid-Jan, but everything is around 250-300 round trip. Thought the economy was tanking....what gives
three days on the zpack, and I still feel like i'm sittin at the bottom of a dumpster. Hope I kick it before xmas.
@coofuushun we're using Cisco ASA ( and it seems elegant. don't even have troub w/it on iPhone
the deeper I get in to MOSS 2007, the more I realize that it's a monster, and there's so much I don't know
@coofuushun what in the world kind of VPN arch. do u guys have in place - that seems unnecessarily complex
@sugacookie that's totally weird, because it's like the first time I've EVER been criticized for something done at MU :)
@sugacookie if Flash was involved, I'm screwed, as you well know - wanna consult?
@DivaofSassiness if it hangs on too long, may want to see a doc - mine ended up being a sinus infection - it's going around
@sugacookie I'd like to understand the technical process behind taking something filmed on burlap & converting it to HD
@algoble we drove by the HTN mall on the way to Chas, and the only way I can describe it is insane. Looked like a consumerism bomb went off
does anyone else my age think of Cinderella (the band) every time Angels on the Moon comes on the radio?
@dmolsen, nope, mostly css - - same stuff digg is using
also, @dmolsen, I have the components we used for if you want - let me know
@dmolsen why can't u jailbreak it? it's worth the trouble actually
@sugacookie great seeing u today-always a pleasure-watch those hillbilly boys


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