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@InvestorCoach With 10 economists, you can count on at least 15 different opinions or forecasts :)
Watched the movie "Brick" ( last night. Good movie with great dialogue. Reminded me of a a Mamet movie
Tune in to the HIstory Channel this Thursday evening for "Tim Ferriss TV" -
@dougdavidoff I look forward to continue capturing that opportunity with your help :)
Just wired money to Canada for client to capture this exchange rate while paying down some debt:
Former client calls today out of blue and wants me to help with his family's wealth management needs going forward. Feels nice.
@lawain Got it, thanks. And here's one for you:
@lawain Hadn't caught that, but will definitely check it out. Thanks for thinking of me. Hope you're well :)
Today: Drop wife off for her trip, 2 client meetings, several projects to work on, prep for meetings later this week . . . busy day
@B3thy A necessary evil for doing business. She wouldn't be going if she weren't so good at her job. I'm proud of her but will miss her bad
@michaelbristol Yeah, she's my best friend and it will be tough to be apart, but this will make her homecoming all the better :)
@MargieNewman You're right. Despite distance, we'll keep in touch much easier today than we would have 10 years ago. Thanks
My wife leaves tomorrow for an 8 day biz trip to Europe. I miss her already. We've never been apart this long. Sigh.
Good morning! Sure feels like a Monday morning in Atlanta, but I'm determined to get a lot done today. Hope you do, too.
Had a great new beer last night at Meehan's Pub in Atlanta. A "Blacksmith" is half Guinness & half Smithwick's. Mmmmmmm beer.
@B3thy I hope it will be time well spent for you. Happy Thanksgiving
THE AMAZING DISAPPEARING OIL CRISIS: An Object Lesson: The following, written by Nick Murray, is used h..
@karenu You're very welcome. Thanks for the follow. Have a great day
#lastfm #love Peg by Steely Dan
#lastfm #love Comforting Sounds by Mew


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman veen Chris Sacca danah boyd Nitin Borwankar om Michael Parekh Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Jason Calacanis Sarah Hatter Caterina Stirman Steven A Bristol Justine Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Beth Kanter Matt Homann Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Sarah Lewis Colleen Wainwright Kuanyin Moi Emily Chang Brian Solis Sandy Robert Scoble photomatt
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