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@HollyWinter shouldn't that be "hoover the place"? I hate seeing Britishisms go away
RIP Nurse Chapel/Lwaxana Troi
When SNCF says 'Identifiez-vous' DON'T. It will only lead to tears. (French railways) must be the WORST site I have ever had to use. It NEVER works like it should.
It sounds like many people will have a White Christmas this year. I know I am looking forward to it.
@JulienCoquet This is a great situation to illustrate when NOT to trust Google.
Am I the last person to have heard the term "locavore"?
#2009outlook Many social software startups won't survive the downturn. Those that do will come out with far more influence than they do now
@JulienCoquet Il y a surement une porte ferme avant la piste, jj'espere
Ironic Rt @bitterer I wish people wouldn't RT every single reply they receive. Reminds me of those folks that always "Reply to All". Stop it
Enjoying seeing my friend Louis talk about chocolate
Just read the FastCompany article on John Chambers and Cisco. Visiting them didn't feel nearly as cult-ish.
Started to look at the last 5 days of Tweets that I missed while ADSL was out. Now giving up.
hearing about Newsgator's new socialsites release
New blog posting Longing for Connectivity: When I was on a trip last week, quite a bit of snow f..
... and I'm back after 5 days of internet isolation It was tough.
Still no ADSL. Access via Blackberry is like watching the world through a pinhole
@bitterer "If you tried something that did't work, don't do it again."
More snow. Still no Internet. How did we ever work without it?


Biz Stone Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Darren Waters neville Martin Menu cote James Governor Jeremiah Jemima Kiss steve o'grady Michael Gartenberg Kevin Rose Clive Thompson Steve Rubel erwin blom Loic Le Meur Social Media Club Julien Duprat Tom Raftery Francisco van Jole Mike Gotta Cedric Ingrand Jon Collins Ric Hayman Sean O'Driscoll George Dearing John Furrier Charlene Li Josh Bernoff Peter Kim
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