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I updated my photo website with a new design. Still working out some kinks but I'm pretty happy with it so far.
AT&T has a total outage in my area and are estimating 24 hours for repair... No phone, no DSL... AT&T sucks donkey dick
Received a mystery package in the mail. Puzzle or resolution? Nothing surprising inside. A waste of postage.
Just voted. In typical Miami style, a poll worker accused one of the voters in front of me of being a communist because he was voting fo ......
@MattRyan that's how I felt voting in Florida in 2000. Turns out that election was a lot closer than I could have imagined
Kicking myself for not buying tickets to see MBV in Chicago.
Senator Akaka sits to the right of Senator Brown in the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee
twitter rule #3081: At the center of the blackhole that is self referential twitter you will find @ricksanchezcnn.
Wondering about the origin of the FAIL meme. Does anyone know if this meme actually originated on Wall Street?
Justed crashed Chrome baby! Accidentally pasted a 5mb text file into the super-awesome bar. Also having weird issues with textareas.
Just watched 'Redbelt' great movie, one of Mamet's best. Touching, emotional, action packed fighting movie. muti-oscar contender...
Robo frog the mating machine -
listening to This American Life: A little bit of knowledge and loving "modern jackass"
Surfers vs. Paparazzi battling for personal freedom and privacy on a hot beach, you couldn't make this kind of thing up. Lets Rumble!
Thoroughly enjoying the latest episode of "West Side Story, Malibu".
And the rest of you can suck my rapping uncle.
George Carlin was in no way counter to my culture. Peace out motherfucker.
Nigerian 419 scam song "I go chop your dollar"
or rather, news to some people


Dom Sagolla danah boyd Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Scott Beale Michael Sippey *spo0ky* Andy Baio ian c rogers John Gruber Anil Dash Dean Cameron Allen CNN Breaking News Darth Vader nostrich Ryan j Budke Joi Ito Matt Gardner Scott Simpson Wil Wheaton Jason Kottke orangatame Jonathan Coulton Hugh McGuire Tim O'Reilly Adam Lisagor Wil Shipley John Moltz Leo Laporte Jesse Thorn Jeff Macpherson Clay Shirky Adam Koford ayahthetiger hashtags zefrank