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big hills and running...... nice..... thank god for compression pants :)
gone running
@jimlavin get an iPhone :) you'll never look back its the phone/mp3 player MS should have built :>
Stuck on the motorway again
driving hundreds of miles + training + work + little sleep = 1 very tired me .... one venti drip with 2 shots should cure this
@girlygeekdom me..... and I'm off now :) only as far as Tesco though ..
gone running
at my desk already, it may be a code in dressing gown day today.... sorry TMI :)
Morning tweeters wish it wasn't though need more sleep
wow how tired do I feel...... thankfully its a rest day
Still not sleepy but loving my iPhone
So tired I can't sleep
coffee and a cupcake.... :)
@girlygeekdom hehe exactly, amazing and scary at the same time
@girlygeekdom ok I'm sat watching BigDog feeling sorry for him on the ice
@caffeinatedgeek hehe 2 hour hilly ride next week oh joy... can't wait for the 5 hour rides ;)
mmmm Thai yum yum


Jason Calacanis Twadget Jeff Sandquist Judie BBC Technology Aaron Kowall Etienne Tremblay Peter Bell Glenn Block san1t1 steve clayton Eduardo Jezierski GirlyGeekdom mix08 caffeinatedgeek Microsoft Channel 9 Microsoft Channel 10 Don Smith Mark Groves BevanJamesEyles Jim Lavin MyStarbucksIdea