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@steffy_h I don't actually have a recipe for the Laksa, just winging it, and without all the ingrdnts, but friends there are sending spices
@doctorious Another good goal that's now in writing! Keep in mind that the deadline is always a year in advance. Looking forward to it!
Psssssssst...we can change the world with our own two hands. Pass it on. ♫
Today was hubby's last day of the school term until Jan. I've got one more real workday tomorrow, all day in client office.
@djksar No prob! BTW, I was in Toastmasters a very long time ago. Great resource for developing public speaking skills.
@djksar Not at all like Toastmasters. It's a professional assn for PR, corp comms & other communication professionals. 16000 worldwide.
@pchaney Excellent! We'd love to have you. Glad to connect with you here.
Dinner tonight was a dish I fell in love with in Malaysia a few weeks ago: Curry Laksa. I haven't got it right yet, but still good.
@djksar Hi Randy. You can read more about IABC at But I'm happy to answer questions, & there are lots of us on Twitter
@biznic We'd love to have you join us. There's a great local chapter in Austin too. I'm coming to visit in March. Hope to see you then.
@acropley You really must try Tweetdeck, Adrian. It's soooooo much better than the website. - St Albans School carol svc - At the St Alban School Carol Service in the Abbey
Have you patched your browser yet? Updates to IE & Firefox are out.
@doctorious Good for you. I'm a big believer of making your goals public and setting dealines. Good luck!
@AutomotiveParts It's almost pre-newbie I think. To get people past the tweeters-block. After that, they'll find their own voice quickly.
@EaonP I agree that it's best to be yourself, but this realm is so foreign to some, they get truly stumped. This post helps 'em get started.
Short workday for me today, then off to take my mum-in-law to the carol service at my hubby's school.
@AutomotiveParts Looks like it got cut off. But when I clicked, it works. How about you? If not I'll retweet.
IABCers, @scottyhendo wants to get a sense of the IABC Conference experience. Please share your views, and include #IABCwc .


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