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Had a night of sledding, gifts and Xmas movies. Trying to go see more family if we can get out of here. Looks quite sketchy though.
@slansing777 Wasn't that a thing of beauty!? I was in the upper deck cheering my face off.
@bostonita One time my dad got my mom tix 4 Nutcracker. She promptly paid me $40 to go in her place. Neither me or my dad wanted to be there - i always feel sketchy at my bus stop
What did you get your mom for Christmas? I need some ideas ASAP.
Please don't follow me randomly just to pump your product.
@bostonita I'm jealous you are going to CES! That is going to be the hotttness.
@xbox360fanboys welcome to Twitter! I've been hoping you guys would join up!
Made it into work today. So happy to be around other people! - my view outside the bus window
Having a hell of a time beating this Gears 2 level on "Insane" difficulty... grrr
Working from home, and found out my Xbox headset works with my cell-phone. So convenient for note taking!
@Alyson_A It's snowing in my hood...and coming towards you!
@melindaevelyn Hey. . . I miss you! When are you moving to Portland?!
Oh my, just stir crazy. I haven't left the vicinity of my apartment complex for 3.5 days :(
As much as I love the convenience of working from home, I'm reminded that it's the people around you that make a workplace great.
@AndreaNowack I'm hitting the Rockstar before 11 a.m.!
Getting ready to bear the cold and go walk down to the gym. Bbbbrrrrrrr


Alexander Kjerulf Major Nelson (Larry) Siobhan O'Neill Gary Goldhammer Michael Arrington Rick Murray Leah Jones Ryan Block ovi roatis Eric Weaver Rebecca Boston Jason Mical Markivus Nious TriXie Katie Stevens Kelli Matthews TriMet Evan Squire Hammer Trail Blazers Hannah Kang arne Amanda Mooney Steve Mallory Xav de Matos dashbridge blam researchgoddess Katlen (Mrs) Tillman elysabeth Steve Gehlen Joshua Topolsky joscelynz julieannalittle Chase kalibean
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