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last night wrapped up with a one-two Buddah Bar-Sams burger. Classic - At Sams post Res Evil 5 and Buddah bar
Headed out to see some Resident Evil 5 multiplayer!
thanks for all the phone feedback. A couple quick things: I can't bring myself to support Verizon and the iPhone's camera doesn't cut it
played a little more of HL2ep2 to check out the new GeForce GTX 260 I dropped in a machine here.
well yes, in 2008 I do want the perfect phone: great call quality, texting/email, Internet, and a 3mp minimum camera with flash.
in my ongoing not happy with any phones out there was looking at the Fuze. Anyone use/play with one and have an opinion? ATT or Sprint?
that's about enough of Monday. Going home for dinner before it gets any later.
@Veronica only because it ought to be "A Lil' Sumptin Sumptin for the Ladies"
oh man, both Audi and Porsche have pulled out of American Le Mans! Major sad face
one of my fantasy teams won its playoff game and is in the championship this coming weekend! But my office league team got eliminated.
Thinking we might do a 2008 wrap up/2009 predictions 4 Minute Warning this week. if you want to spin us a question
uh, so, VGA' word: embarrassment. I guess we might discuss some on Yours, but not sure it warrants the breath
well, it's a step in the right direction. Didn't show enough yet to convince me they can go all the way, but a big win for the Cowboys
ok Cowboys, time to show whether you belong in the playoffs as a contender or not. All the potential in the world doesn't count. Just wins
got SOCOM Confrontation installed and updated. Casual unranked first game was pretty fun. Like the pace and weapon feel
made several valiant attempts, but @robinyang, Brad, Mike, and I could not hold out long enough for the rescue boat to get to the dock.
just about decided I'm staying in this evening where it's warm and playing some games.
tree successfully up and tips shaped. Starting to look like a proper Christmas tree.


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