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Defamer makes my night with walrusamaphone:
@statesman u can has cheezburger assolt.
@maczter I use the Airport Express for that and also as a wireless bridge for Xbox 360 + satellite box.
@gwentown Oh man, "Pause" is a whole other conversation. Do a YouTube search for Pause and Spike Lee.
@taraariano I am ashamed that I am even a tiny bit responsible for this Shebronna fiasco. It's like I helped work on the atom bomb.
@glark "Shabronna" is your "Fetch" and it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
@glark It's not UnitedSquirrelMenstration either.
@glark I'm beginning to think you don't even know the name of ONE car company.
@glark Car company, not rental car company. But you were so close.
I can't post the tri-curseword here, but I will DM it to anyone who asks.
@aruni Thanks! I think your link got cut short, though -- try this one:
Took two hours to get home tonight. Had time to create an expletive that combines a car company, a bodily function and a woodland creature.
@romans5three I'd install Chrome here if I wasn't on a Mac. I use it on my home Win XP box.
The new Google Reader design has frozen up Firefox twice already. Anybody else having issues?
Fair transaction: $1 milk chocolate Almond Joy just gave me exactly $1 worth of joy, almonds.
Your Linkdown for Thursday, Dec. 4. Featuring Santa. And an elf. And me, sorta.
Today is the day of endless interviews and finishing stuff up -- won't be coming up for air until late this afternoon.
Retweet @statesman Details of the @statesman Tweetup, which is in 7 days: [I'll be there.]
@stephenfalk Don't get clothes. Parents get overloaded with outfits. Other ideas: baby books, musical toys, gift card for Babies'R'Us.


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