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Is going to get some chocolate cake. Hey! I worked out today.
Making mac & cheese
@GoBecky Ok cool. I will check it out sometime...
Looking for a Netflix watch now movie to watch.
Scanning items in
@kristn Cool. Let me know if it emails as an attachment
Oh why did I agree to come to Target. It's a zoo
I have a weakness for Oreo cakesters
@kristn Nikon S51c let's you email to Flickr and blogs etc
@kristn The Nikon S7C emails within WiFi but not as an attachment. Nikon is good for that type of thing
Going to Target to register for gifts
Old guy at Panera shouted across to me asking about my iPhone. "Is that an iPod Touch?"
At Panera
Feel much better
At the gym
RTM's iPhone app is far better than the actual website.
Splash screens, ugh. Didn't that fad go away in 99?
Hulu commercials baffle me. During a show or movie, the commercial is same every time. Can't it tap into my interests somehow?
@MaggieConv Yea I get a little carried away with that sometimes.


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