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@kellieparker I guess I'm just bitter because we've been scrimping and saving and working hard for years and things are still nuts here.
for example, we talked to a landlord who was offering a 200 sq ft. (TWO HUNDRED) for $1,400/month and no pets. WTF? who would pay that?!?!
I hate to say it, but the real estate market in this city needs to crash -- hard
My wife and I have given up looking for an apartment in San Francisco. If it isn't overpriced, its unkempt/filthy and just below us.
Off to see Milk at the local cinema. Ta ta.
Hey folks, what's with all the hating on the Bbery storm?I mean, what is so awful about it?
@toddhoskins Once you go Def, you need a hearing aid. <laff track>
@jowyang Can't they set up a nice system whereby Outlook syncs with Google Cal syncs with iPhone? IT must support the needs of business!!
"The Black Card is made with carbon graphite, creating a more durable card, guaranteed to get you noticed." right, by CRIMINALS
@Gartenberg "For when you absolutely, positively, MUST have a private jet"
@bmorrissey Brian, maybe you aren't tipping him enough
@Gartenberg I've had a few of those in the past week
@michaelallison I certainly wouldn't, but I know many people take comments on their grammar personally. I know this because I'm always
@DougH LOL ok ok. Do you dread seeing Qwitter notices, Doug? :)
One of the bonuses of living in CA is that the state is always near the top when clicking STATE drop-down boxes on forms. Truth.
@TDefren Is @DougH's help limited only to SHIFTers? I've got a media list that needs cleaning up!
@vargasl I always get comments like that. Or if someone is having computer problems "Our blogging expert will help you with that!"
From the looks of it, Grand theft auto 4 may be the buggiest PC game of the year. Bravo, that's quite the achievement


Biz Stone Evan Williams Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross om Gavin Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Mike Manuel Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Alex Rudloff Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Brian Solis  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Michael Markman Darren Waters Hugh MacLeod Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins CenterNetworks James Governor Jonathon D. Colman Jeremiah Jemima Kiss Michael Gartenberg B. Bonin Bough Ryan Anderson MG Siegler Kevin Rose Todd Defren Matt Dickman
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