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Checking out The Office [S 5 Ep 8] Business Trip in SplashCast:
Updating iPhone to 2.2. Promises dropped call improvement. We'll see....
@TheAngie You toil so that you can continue to have fun bday celebrations like the one we just had in SF!
Are the breeders playing at bottom of hill tonight???? I wanna go!
Turkey shaped sourdough bread. Wow!
Heading to sunny san francisco! Look at this forecast!!!
Checking out AC/DC "Rock 'N Roll Train" - Official Video in SplashCast - still rocking after all these years!:
Yes! I don't have to imigrate to Canada!!!!
@wilw Wow... I was talking about this very thing just this past weekend. Definitely! [::raisehand::]
My car has a better view from the garage than i do from my office! Does that seem right?
regarding pumpkins and men... My expectations are most likely unreasonable.
Trying to find the perfect pumpkin is like trying to find the perfect man. Difficult!
@kevinrose Thanks to you, now there is cuteness overload. Don't click this link, you'll be sorry!
@marshallk Blog insurance???? Wow. Didn't know such a thing existed.
Wishing these were done already: our AS3 conversion & election 2008. Both scheduled for early Nov. But I think issues will linger on!
@katiejredden You're a girl. In tech? Wow! Next they'll have girl doctors and scientists and stuff. :)
Loving The Gutter Twins "Saturnalia" album...nice to have some new music from Greg Dulli and Mark Lanegan
yesterday was boss's day. Who knew? I didn't!!!!
SplashCast boys are drinking beer. When will they realize that beer is gross and has significant less alcohol per volume than wine? :)
@tomturnbull hates it when you break cookies and only take a part of them. Eat the whole thing damn it!