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wondering how the car czar will spend the 7.3 billion ad budget. - This is Sam, somewhere in PA
I think I'm in the state of maine, but I'm not sure. I have confidence in the nqvigation skills of our pilot and co-pilot, so all is good
@rehumphries you are missed. I had a drink for you. Maybe 2
@rehumphries we are at rizzo's margaritaville by ibizia tapas if you want to stop by
Scott and Lucas are line dancing. I'm a little afraid
We ran the bar out of Stoli and redbull. I'm thinking that's quite the accomplisment considering the 1.75 liter size
Bonding with our BarkleyREI peeps. - Stoli redbull makes another appearance this evening. This has to be over a pint
@tvanwinkle craps sounds tooooo difficult. I'll stick with black jack
At dinner and trying to learn how to play craps. Sounds complicated but the pass line sounds promising
Off to Ibiza Tapas for some dinner
busted Lucas resting his eyes"
Tessaro's bacon cheese burger for lunch. I need a nap now. Or just some coffee
Lots of cops on motorcycles with sidecars here in downtown Pittsburgh. Must be easier to get around
Lucas = trouble. Somebody has to keep him in line, though, and that man is me
Stoli redbull in pint glasses. Good times
@rehumphries tech team and project management discussions. 4 of us here from KC, aka Barkley West
Wheels down, Pittsburgh. Next stop, @BarkleyREI
Wow, it's frrrrreeaaaaking cold here in Cleveland. Going to be a bit colder in Pitt. I've been spoiled with KC weather vs IA


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams seanbonner om Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Justine Chris Brogan Michael Bailey Jason Drohn Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Mario Vellandi Pat Kevin Cheng Antonio Altamirano Meagan Kelleher Jenni Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer laurence timms Robert Scoble Douglas Karr Rick Starbucks Coffee Cameron Moll
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