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Turned on the heater on Thursday for the 1st time this season... and the furnace goes out. Loveliness.
Bonin Family Session - Meyer Park, Klein, TX
@benjphoto I work hard at self-deprecation to amuse others. ;)
@groovehouse correction, I shocked myself with water and an electrical outlet. And I'm still feeling all tingly... :p
I just electrocuted myself messing with my fish tank. Way to go, Kelly.
@jasonhuang I just saw it yesterday for the first time. Hil-lar-ious.
I love the comments section of, especially when you know the people commenting. :p
@benjphoto Oooh! I love chunks (in my cookies)! ;)
RT: @mojodenbow RT @ageekgirl: today is the 75th anniversary of the 21st Amendment ending of prohibition! This calls for a drink!
@whurley and BMC announces theirs on Monday... (just in time for the holidays!)
Irony: My first "Christmas Card" order this year is from a Jewish family.
Just my luck... I tweet that and then I get a 7 minute Rage Against the Machine song. My thighs are numb.
At the gym doing weights today. Low-weight reps for the lenght of a song on my iPod.
@benjphoto in my defense, I had my hubby harassing/insulting me the whole time... all in good humour, of course. :\
@Ceece haha! I love how you follow that comment w/ a smiley. :p
@heathergarland I was on a treadmill. There was only so much pain I could cause. Mainly rug burn...
How did I manage to get 4 papercuts? I think my blonde-ness is in full glory this week.
@heathergarland oh, I possess many of these "impressive talents" as you call them... :p
This pulled muscle in my bum has to be from the eliptical. Or it could be from the treadmill. I /was/ tweeting while jogging...
@coreyann aww! What happened? :(


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