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@SistersTalk I'd love to read an interview with Karlyn Lotney (Fairy Butch) if you can score one!
Spent $150 on yarn today. Supplies for three scarves and an undecided thing because I just really liked the yarn. Doubt I'll make it back.
A teacher emailed me with my final grade, but it's not in the system yet and I can't seem to pull off the math to figure out my new GPA.
Telling my iPod to use a Rihanna song for Genius brought up a bunch of black artists similar to each other, but not like the Rihanna track.
Terps and deaf people on Twitter: How would you interpret the lines "she bangs" and "she moves" from that Ricky Martin song?
@SistersTalk I have a response for your question about the word queer, but it's too long for Twitter. Will blog it soon.
Here in Baltimore for 12 Days. So freakin' nervous. Would like a double shot of vodka but I know I can't. -
With two dangly earrings, four studs, a conch hoop, a helix shield, and two hearing aids, my ears look awfully crowded.
Wearing earrings for the first time in many months. All six holes are wondering why I'm punishing them so painfully. But I look festive!
I cannot get enough soy jerky. Going to stop at Whole Foods on the way to Baltimore to see if they have it.
Anyone who loved the old "Year Without a Santa Claus" should watch ABC Family tomorrow: A Miser Brothers Xmas! - What I'm working on tonight - fun fur!
Holy shit, eyelash fun fur is the craziest thing I've ever attempted. Why did I do this?!
Got 4 soy jerky packs. In order of preference: original, teriyaki, peppered, jamaican. About 3 flavors left to try. Low cal high protein too
Just bought a 2009 planner. Once again, will probably use it for three months, then stop. Wish I could train myself into a DayTimer or such.
Hate when prime parking is full, so I park further away, then a spot opens in the good area while I walk back past it.
@RyanMacklin Oh come on. Tyler IS Project Mayhem. All kittens are born with Mayhem Inside (tm).
Have only gotten one other grade so far, an A in a 4-credit class, disappointed. I was sure I'd get a B.
I got a C in a class I was sure I'd pulled up to a B. Really, really bummed. Have 40 mins left at work and do NOT want to be here.
Co worker went downstairs to get salad and got her hand shaken by Jesse Jackson. Looks like he was here giving a speech.


erikarenee missakins SusanClaire Julia A. Case Halsted   christine Aldon Hynes Mariann krystyn John Grant W Laird Jr kristie617 Steve Whitaker Nina Scaletti Rachel Tanenhaus Nicole Tuttle Louis Ricciardi Sockamillion Kymberlie R. McGuire Ryan MacMichael Tim M. Dugan Thom Watson Alejandra Sir Michael L. Foley Scott Stead Ciaran Carthik Sharma David Hewlett crayon Rita Seagrave mizerock Lavinia Future.Style Neil Turner Jessi