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Busy cooking & preparing for Christmas party later this afternoon.
@daltonsbriefs Not only is Chris Matthew's moral compass broken, he does not even have one!
@ishkid Hv a safe trip to Chicago, Isha! Enjoy yourself b/c u deserve it!! U've worked really hard this semester & now u can go spoil yrself
@Syedur Aww, she's so pretty!!!
@pauldandrea Hope you feel & get better soon!
@Syedur Pls convey our congratulations 2 her & 2 u 4 being an uncle:-)!
@Syedur Who's tht, Sye? Is tht a new sibling?
You Never Let Go - Matt Redman
@Syedur haha! I thought tht was so funny when you said tht yr left eye was evil!
...own evil & folliness.
Longevity follows the wise who choose the path of wisdom & righteousness while the life of the wicked & foolish will be cut short by their..
Proverbs 12:28 "In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality."
Proverbs 10:27 "The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short."
@Syedur Lol! Only the left eye is evil? Does your right eye see differently than your left eye?
@daltonsbriefs being taught & learned in classrooms.
@daltonsbriefs Makes me shudder 2 think wht our kids r learning in college today! Good Christian Professors needed to counteract wht is
@daltonsbriefs Who is the 'wise guy' who came up with the concept of being politically correct? I agree he stands 4 everything anti-America!
@Syedur Our country is declining & decaying morally due to moralistic relativism due to the rejection of Absolute Truth.


Tom Buckley Ed Illig Thomas Ho John Uhri Neil Cox Gregor Morrill Steve Dalton Sheryl faroffplanet gingermiller531 Syedur Isha Stephen James Phillip Researchagain Michael Roney, Jr. Tony Coulombe Kim Haynes Aaron Marshall bnpositive sioksiok pauldandrea kwschlenz mrnoobie Lux Venit Indy Christian Geeks Greg mellieReed Cafe Agape Shane Milton ellen5e Mack Earnhardt Jeffrey A. Miller indytweetup Lauren Mark Hogg