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@JOHNABYRNE Think you should know those Amex OPEN ads are making BW pages unreadable; page loads, then blanks and Amex ad loads on top.
#snowmageddon my ass. Look up the Blizzard of 1996 on the intertubes. THAT was a snowmageddon. AND I had to go to work in it! For reals.
@Kudzu630 The next rover should be named Beavis. #tcot
@PinkOliveFamily It's a haven for frat boys - but school will be out next weekend so you should be fine. :)
A BIIIIIG thanks to CBS for offering three weather bump shots this morning, 2 of which are in black, & the other too fuzzy to even make out.
@avflox We'll convert him yet!
@twittermuna Mmmm, bacon chocolate crunch bar... (via @sheigh)
@KelseyProud What can I say ... just NOT feeling it tonight?
@jeffjarvis Viewers eat up bad weather news, Jeff. You know that!
This would be a really good night for a war to start or something, so network special reports would fill airtime and I could just chiil.
Interesting if true RT @genevaoh: LA Times editor at forum today: annual revenue from Web now equals entire editorial payroll of the Times.
Truer words never spoken:
@iotajudy I'm not good at lying to myself.
@iotajudy Oh yes, in a field where the number of women greatly outnumber men, let's make it look like they struggle. Die identity politics!
I really don't want to be in this newsroom tonight.
Social contract? What social contract? I didn't see anything, I'm just going to keep walking. (via @newser)
Shocker: Teens rebelling against attempts at control by Nanny State #tcot (via @BBC)
Jokes way too long for 140 characters, #1: So the Rolling Stones go to a party at the Playboy Mansion


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