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Trying to focus yet failing miserably... think it's time to step away from the puter... 4 a lil while at least :/
Unreal... I'm calling it a blizzard! (becareful what you wish 4 right?) Lots and Lots of snow here, freezing, not so much fun 2 drive in
"Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace." Buddha
Tired, tired, tired, time to get some zzzzz's. Have a busy day tomorrow must be up in a few short hours. Good night everyone :)
@rosyblue so sorry you have a headache. I hope you feel better soon. Good night Rosy.
Still working... but smiling so it's all good :). Maybe I'll be done soon... maybe :/
@rosyblue Hey Rosy!!! How are you! Great to see your tweet! Let's just say I did some efficient shopping to day (hope I can do it again!)
@kensingt0n LOL! Oops, I'm sorry rushed back to work as usual... I'm adding you to my list (hope I have time to get all these gifts!!)
2,482... 2,483 ... Think I should be pacing myself better besides, I got work to do & I simply haven't mastered working & twittering... bbl
Managed to take care of 15 gifts today! I only have about 30 more to go :/ lucky for me there is plenty of time left to get em :)
OOOOH, they were playing with me, lol... Now it says 2,4790 updates (this will make it 2,480 updates) I'm a regular chatty Cathy!
Hey, what's up with twitter? Saying I have Zero updates? Anyone who's been followin me a lil while knows I got plenty 2 say, & have said it!
If u took a wkly average of "x" for 3 mnths & it kept dropping, then took a 3 month avg of the same could the 3mth avg be more than any 1wk?
Just when I think I couldn't possibly love Apple more they make this (notice the use of Oops, I'm Sorry :), always good!)
Been a few days, just checked my @replies, thank you to everyone who sent their condolences
Just back from meetings, with lots to do... sort of wasn't payin attention & realized next weeks Xmas (already?) need 2 go shoppin 2 (uggg)
There is a faint attempt at snow out there...(or there was) back from a meeting, must get some work done, hope everyone's having a great day
@Sweetnote Thank you very much, so sad his 14 year old son found him, he lost his mom last year, very very sad. I appreciate your thoughts
My cousin died today... very sad. Talking to his sister


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