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my subconscious is weird.
when the girls woke us, i was dreaming about being at my high school reunion when shaq pulled up in a limo with tiki barber, pitching woo.
the girls slept in til nearly eight. i feel like we hit the jackpot.
one diet coke. just one stupid diet coke nearly twelve hours ago, yet here i am, wide awake at one am. fuck you, caffeine, you filthy whore.
the good news: not a peep out of the bedroom for 5 straight minutes & a bottle of rogue ipa waiting for me in the fridge, thanks to my boss.
quarter of 9 and the kids are still up. did i mention my niece wakes up @ 5 am? i'm bracing myself for a day of hardcore crabiness tomorrow.
finally done with work. now home to relax to the soothing sound of the kid & her cousin tearing up the house. bonus gift: cousin wakes @ 5.
my saturday morning class is cancelled! i'm going to go make banana bread! too bad i still have to go to work this afternoon. :(
is it still snowing? why, yes. yes it is.
@NickSeam nope. just before 1, my time. silly head.
@NickSeam not everyone lives in the central time zone, you know.
just over an hour before the school day usually ends & the snow has finally just started. not that i'm complaining about having the day off!
the kid and i are only just now getting out of bed . yay snow day!
rip deep throat.
grading is done for the night. next up: white russian & knitting.
santa was awesome. we walked away with a happy kid and an apple, and we didn't have to pay a penny.
off to pick up the kid at school. we're taking her to see santa tonight at our local park where everything's homey and nothing's for sale.
i am so fucking lucky that i get to be my kid's mom.
fixing to let the kid stay up late to watch the muppets xmas special. she's practically vibrating with excitement.


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