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@kevinokeefe @internetcases I hear that paper has been known to leak company secrets too. When will we hear about the risks of PAPER?
What's geekier than using whois data for your xmas addresses? Using to rescue a prior year's Christmas letter.
Here's a Kindle hack: Go to Amazon, click on Kindle books, sort by price (low -> high). Lots of free books there.
Christmas letter done, pictures mostly done. Will share URLs in the am after some sleep and a reality check.
@matthowie Totally agreed. Netflix completes TiVo (and vice versa). Total marriage made in heaven.
Picasa's facial recognition feature is killer. Working on the annual photo album to accompany the online Christmas letter... it rocks!
You know what's really geeky? Using whois data to ensure your Christmas card list is up-to-date.
@danyork Saw your comments re: FeedBurner, drop me a line at and let me know if I can help out
Congrats to fellow Googler Erica Baker, whose Flickr pic made Time's "best of" gallery for their Person of the Year issue:
@tivo Holy crap. Netflix +TiVo is unfrigginbelievable. I've been a very happy TiVo subscriber for almost 8 years, but this... Wowowowow.
How long before Illinois politics becomes its own HBO series?
@mmasnick You're welcome. Now don't go off talking about trust again, mmkay?
Source for the Jackson informant story, btw:
HOLY CRAP. Jesse Jackson Jr. has been a DoJ informant on Blagojevich FOR A DECADE? Man I miss Illinois.
Just reactivated Netflix so that I can watch Netflix movies over my TiVo. Very eager to see how well it works.
Can't make this up: Eliot Spitzer re-enters NY scene at Slate party... at a former massage parlor called "Happy Ending".
Favorite post of the week, from @scottsimpson
@FredFaulknerIV Sunny? It's actually *raining* here today. Winter weather *sucks*. ;)
@FredFaulknerIV It's in the auto-discovery of the page when you go to your Favorites in the browser.


Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen Ross Brian Oberkirch John Zeratsky Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Brittany Bohnet Nancy Scola Zack Rosen nicco mele John Federico Eric Olson Michael O'CC Joshua Levy greg cohn cody simms Bradley Horowitz Anil Dash Marie Carnes Lars Plougmann donl Matt McAlister Mark Chernesky Darth Vader Mathew Gross Chad Dickerson raanan David Raynes Justin Wise Amit Agarwal Denise Howell Matt Haughey Stephen M. Nipper Micah Sifry
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