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Maxis/Zcorp launch "Spore Sculptor" You can have your game character printed In 3d For $50 (
@askmanny I had a similar problem, If you go to the person's profile and try to follow from there it usually works.
Virginia Postrel does a great job throwing cold water on the fetishistic reporting of the downturn as a "depression" (
@jeggers I guess some things have no worldly explanation!
Meet the Press isn't the same w/o Russert. I'd go with a panel of hosts: wouldn't Brooks, Todd, Goodwin be more compelling than Gregory?
Ex. Brit Spears isn't talented, hardworking, from a musical environment, or part of a demographic trend. What explains her outsize success?
It is a nonfiction version of Vonneguts quote: "The two prime movers in the universe are time and luck." It could use more data though.
Outliers adds environment/timing to the nature/nurture debate on personal success. (
Customized GI Joe's - 3D scanners put your head on an action figure. Still a pilot program, but a fun an timely concept (
Pixar / Toy Story Zoetrope: real time, real space 3D animation made with physical models rather than pixels (
100 Great Businesses: Sounds like airport dross, but profiles Euro/Asian/Aussie companies you don't hear about in the US (
Some thoughts on the MIT Smart Mass Customization Seminar ( The technology is mature, now finding the right markets is key
Zemanta is amazing, instantly becomes a service you can't imagine doing without (
I don't get why people hated the Clone Wars movie. No worse plotwise than episode 4, way better than episode 1, nice stylized animation.
The A-B-C's of Mass Customization - 26 companies, products, and people putting the "custom" back in customer (
CAD based video games and Polaroid: The Next Generation just two of the interesting mass customization stories this week (
New 3D printer that can create complex models using standard A4 paper ( Check out the dental models in the "pics" section.
Great article in the new issue of Make: on a father's quest to help his daughter using homebrew DNA testing. His site (
Skateboards, Wine, and Stuffed Animals: 10 Things Print On Demand can do NOW ( POD is like 3D printing's studious sibling.


kellan Josh Kopelman Michael Parekh Harper Rob Hayes Nabeel Hyatt lane Brian Del Vecchio Caterina Thor Muller brady forrest Mark Frauenfelder Brian Clark markj BostonDave gavin photomatt Justin Hall merci Anil Dash Eric Friedman Jennifer Pahlka Fraser Kelton Joe Hunkins Jon Pierce Antonio Brian Jepson Pierre Omidyar Chris Pirillo Hilary Mason Eric  Freeman Charlie O'Donnell Amy Jo Kim SixUntilMe |diabetes SXSW
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