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@tj Also check out Linux Mint distro - Ubuntu underneath plus some nice UI sugar. The Mint LiveCD allows you to check it out sans install.
@tj Well, doc and wiki sections are immeasurably useful. And, you'll need to learn/love/live the "apt-get" and "sudo" commands.
@tj Are you already unix/linux-aware?
@ajbradley Too cool. Rongcats!
Sorry, please reverse 'a' and 'o' in second-to-last word of last tweet. #stillreallysick
@amerine JP theme has same run as old Dina Shore Chevy commercial "See the USA, in your Chevrolet". Dina Shore, Dinasour. Coincidence?
For $13 a month, Dell will guarantee that the person on the other end of your support call will be in North America. Any takers?
@luclatulippe Assuming you've read all the classics? Zelazny's Amber series, Asimov's Foundation series, etc. but rec'g them nonetheless.
9 pages left. couldn't resist.
@seanhussey @sween No pictures with this one, but another good recipe that I'm sure you'll both appreciate:
@mbalara My other cousin, from mother's side of family, was an animator at Pixar, worked on Cars, the Toy Story's, etc. Teaches now.
Been sick for two days, fighting urge to go back and read 20+ pages of tweets. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. It's not worth it.
When did to_json start returning {"object": {"attr1": "val1", "attr2": "val2"}} instead of {"attr1": "val1", "attr2": "val2"} ? #crappity
Woot! Latest Aptana IDE update has HAML and SASS editors built-in. FINALLY.
@lessallan Plus an instant preview as you cut.
@lessallan Check again homeslice - this one does too (link bottom-middle), and gives you way more flexibility about where you can cut.
@seanhussey When we moved in, the new fridge didn't fit. Me: You measured this, right? Her: yeah but it didn't quite reach so I guessed.
Ever have to lick your fingertips so you can get sufficient traction on the toilet paper? Yeah, me neither.


Jon Larkowski Jim Remsik President Monteiro John Nunemaker Steven A Bristol rands Obie Darth Vader BryanL The Rubyist David Knighton hotdogsladies Zach Inglis Dave Shea J. Adam Moore Ben Compton Carmelyne Thompson Matt Balara John Moltz Nick Quaranto Jamis Buck allan branch Mark Turner Kim B AJ Bradley SeoulBrother Michele Catalano Thoughtleadreizer tpope Luc Latulippe nictate hussein Ainsley Drew Jason Sweeney cgrusden[:leerjet] Rein Henrichs desi leshill