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My new article on Why Copyrights and Copyleft are a clever counterparts of each other in restricting education.
Finally installed rainmeter desktop. New desktop looks awesome.
@selfexile exactly my reasons to be on chrome. miss addons though specially twitterfox
@mario np. Glad you aren't risking your work :)
@mario don't do it. 8.10 is really unstable
after a lovely fiasco meetup in Lahore. Checkout Karachi Bloggers meetup.
planning too hard for unforseen events. Imagination is such a wonderful thing to play with.
@SarahStewart wow congrats. :) try for Pakistan too
in lahore after a long time! busy as always.
@selfexile What is this ? another atheist fest?
i'll be scared to death if Wikipedia actually got 6 millions they are begging for!!! What a pure profiteering racket!
@terryfreedman i've lost the whole thread. what were we talking about ? :)
@joshk you might want to use tweetdeck and search for hashtags ? #anything
@om You really expect CEOs to be saints?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Sarah Milstein Krissy Bush Alissa jeremiah Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Gary Elliott veen Sara Maggie Mason davegray Jerry Michalski Chris Jones Chris Sacca Jerry Richardson danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Jason Cosper Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Brough Turner Ian Hay Wayne Sutton
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