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I've been such a bitch today. WTF is in my water? I swear, the entire time my mom was awake I was just picking fights with her from my room.
My mom has given computer advice to both of her sisters in the past hour. My mom doesn't know how to *open* IE, let alone use it.
Got an email from netflix and actually cheered. Can now watch movies instantly on a Mac. YAY
putting on false eyelashes makes me feel like a pretty, pretty princess. As do the Cinderella hair ribbons. Almost makes up for a burnt bird
dropping the turkey into the brine while trying to drain it? not my best moment, or a fun way to start the day.
my car battery won't stay charged. but i really don't think it's my alternator for various reasons. poop.
@Kimli You're always sassy!
grr, my mom gets mad when shit happens to me as if it were her misfortune. got fired, got robbed x2, she flips like it happened to her
@no_more_itching thanks! i'll have to look into atopic and xerotic eczema. i've never had this problem before and it's really bothering me.
this happened while i was in hospital. neighbor was burgled before too. this is my second time. lost ipod, fm thing and jumper cables before
car was ransacked. again. stole my puma bag full of clothes, toiletries and whatnot. along with new undies. fuckers. all after i was fired.
Just got fired. All because I was sick and my boss called for an ambulance, setting in motion a string of bad events. Fuckers.
Oh dear, a pretty big earthquake in Indonesia. Tsunami warning site is all kinds of not working. Hope everything is okay.
bitching about people verbing their nouns. Does it never end?
My skin is incredibly dry all over. And itchy. And flaky. Especially my forearms, eyebrows and scalp. I am very uncomfortable with this.
My cat is snoring, softly. I've never heard a cat snore before, and it's really the cutest thing ever.
30 cans of tuna, 15 in water and 15 in oil, cool whip and Trojan Magnum condoms. Dreamt about it last night and still think it's funny.
Uhm. My dad just found my vibrator. Did it just get really weird in here?
Oh no, the debate killed Twitter for a few minutes! #current
McCain is afraid to sit down in the background...he may not be able to get back up #current


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