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I hate eating alone.
Gas finally under three bucks. Woo hoo!
No joke. Homeless guy holding a sign says 'why lie i need a drink'. Lol wonder how much money He's gotten today.
Moisture rich!
Way to drunk to function
@brad feels bad cause just got really close to a guy to bum a cig. Also mildly drunk
I don't want to get out of bed today at all. Except to eat.
Finally set up new phone with twitter
I'm going out.
So my boss has a maid. And she makes everyone in the home office breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm going to be so spoiled.
This radio station plays raspberry beret like two times a day. God i'm still not sick of it! Hells. Yes.
Where the hell did this rain come from??
@leftsider oh. Who gets to administer the birthday spankings?
@mykul mu Haha. My evil plot worked.
@mykul and It's warm... You know what that means!
@leftsider but then i get stuck with all the rubber neckers. No fun.
@brad i do that all the time. Smoke weed and Fuck on the road. It's quite enjoyable.
@BM5K whoa no offense taken. Likei said. It was shameful. I figured it would keep him in control. No. He would just make running leaps t ......
@BM5K i have a child. I put him on a leash. Once. The shame will haunt my dreams for eternity.
I wore a dress today... Out of sheer laziness. Ha. Here's to not being able to find pants!


Jessica leftsider james Brad kimile Visualdensity Minger Mike Martinez Mykul John Gruber ambrosia Loui Zoot mawal Phenobarb NeilAaron michael desgrassia Chiara JP GP William A. Conner II silvano Bloggers Blog Dan W Weather Forecast Automatic Loveletter Lisa Warren Smook Trendio N My UFO Blog ste_global RobBizzle