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It's my own fault for tuning into 99.5 in the first place, but srsly- why so much MRAZ?! Are they watching me? Do they see me in the car?
@eee: whaaaaaaaat? nice!
The Potomac River is full of FOG. It looks awesome, and I wish I had my camera with me.
trying to redeem a work award for gift cards, but can't make up my mind... why can't they just offer me gas cards? sheesh.
Aside from the rain, it's kinda nice out this morning. This is what Fall should've been like.
Every. Single. Time. I. Get. In. The. Car... MRAZ! We're through HOT 99.5
3 helicopters hovering over Tysons... I think I just found @Yarn-Abuse's tractor trailer.
you can say i'm overcompensating, i don't care. it's been a rough year & i'm getting that expensive ass computer.
@sillydoggies: your logic confuses me... I'll just keep complaining about it till that song falls off their playlist.
ack! MRAZ!! This is not how I like to start my day...
Dear WaPo: set me up with the cute guy @ Trader Joes #647. Thanks.
Trying to plan a last-minute vacation while en route to the gym. I'm a quantum-tasker.
@sophistaknit: did YOU know he's also kinda hot?
I dunno @lizakessler... this Redskins game is kinda cheering me up!
DON'T START WITH ME @SOPHISTAKNIT! This disappointment may be too much for a simple slice of pumpkin pie to fix...
@vasta: holy crap! Nice seats!
Time for football and cooking! This is the place to be for turkey chili, spaghetti sauce, pumpkin pie, and DALLAS COWBOYS FOOTBALL!
It's totes snowing downtown folks. Glad I'm on my way home to enjoy my jumbo slice out of the cold. AUGH! JASON MRAZ!!
Just so you all know- I am the Parallel Parking Queen of the World! Seriously.


Biz Stone brittany Janina Edel Sameer Vasta Barack Obama timer maria diaz thaumata CraftyBastards sillydoggies ABCPieHole sophistaknit Yarn_Abuse lizakessler