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Really love reading and the good doctor's medical analysis of House M.D. episodes.
Having one of those end-of-year retrospective moments. 2008 was a humdinger.
Rules for using Twitter: There aren't any. Suck it up. If you don't like what people are posting, there's that Unfollow button.
I've reached the turkey threshold. Time for turkey jook.
Oh no. 10% off Fluevog sale in SF stores. Oh no.
RT @drhorrible: The Dr. Horrible DVD is region-free. Woo! Huge props to the Whedon machine for that.
@alicia Since you're in the area, I'd recommend picking one up from the Delancey Street Lot at 16th and Bryant. It's $$ but a good cause.
Recession has been around since December 2007, reports CNN. Elsewhere in the news, it's been known to get foggy in San Francisco.
Eating the toffee @elea left at our house on Thanksgiving. Having a mild diabetic shock as a result. Will most likely have another.
Re: Charice: I don't pay attention to this stuff man. I was only interested because she's Asian :) (Asian-American pop star? No wai!)
Holy. Who's this Asian girl singing this power ballad in the parade?
Turkey's brining, figuring out which side dish to cook first.
I'm really annoyed at gadget manufacturers who choose to market to females as if we're all a bunch of luddites. /rant
There are too many Christmas songs and not enough Thanksgiving songs.
@teddyg @cleverusername I'm celebrating freedom and America this Thanksgiving by buying too much food and eating it. That's patriotism.
Received 10 different Black Friday emails today. What if I don't WANT to boost the economy, huh? What will you do about that, national GDP?
Dear Amazon, have I mentioned how much I love Amazon Prime yet? It's a lifesaver during the holidays.
Also: I'm beginning to actually like wearing makeup, even when no one knows me. I... Think I'm becoming my mom.
I love dining solo. Makes me feel grown-up. Yeah, I know, I'm weird.
The thing with WoW is knowing when to say No. And right now, I'm saying No to WoW and Yes to Food. Have to keep your lives balanced, people!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Michael Ferguson tedr Nick Douglas Niall Kennedy Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale President Monteiro Jackson West Cameron Walters George Kelly Sarah Hatter Glenda Derek Powazek Jasmeet Stewart Butterfield Courtney P Thor Muller Cal Henderson Robert S Andersen Halsted Jessica N. Alicia eric L   christine Ben Brown Elea Veronica Belmont Jason Hoffman fake mat honan Kevin Cheng
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