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Really interested in Rails Metal. Looking in to it more. There are some good blog posts about it.
didn't get a good night sleep last night and now I am slowing down. But have too much to do.
@steveeichert yeah, I have been meaning to contact @PelleB about it to see if it can be updated to support Merb. RSpactor is awesome.
@coreyhaines I have seriously thought of a Engine Yard road trip. Where I take 3 weeks to travel around to see everyone.
@coreyhaines sounds like you are having a great time. I certainly have been enjoying following your travels.
@steveeichert I have tried to do it, but not been able to get it working. The gem is now supported by @PelleB here
@tsykoduk did you move to the North Pole?
@stevefink XThemes looks really cool. I am going to check that out. Thanks for the heads up.
@boomerhawk for learning Ruby I would take a look at Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional by Peter Cooper published by Apress.
@boomerhawk I would start with a good Ruby on Rails book. One that I liked was "RailsSpace." Also take a look at Peepcode screencasts.
very tired this morning. Coffee is not helping.
@Croaky I think ESPN has an exclusive agreement with Verizon. So, I think that is why there is no ESPN iPhone app.
Now have Merb running under #passenger. Pretty cool.
Got Apache and passenger running. So far, so good.
@carlisia his name was Hari is all I remember
Daughter is super fan today for her school.
Bought VM Ware Fusion and got it installed. Hoping to have some time to work with it later.
Looks like a great turnout for Merb Day in Atlanta
getting ready for a Christmas party.


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