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Brenda Barnes. Impressive. Created "returnship" at Sarah Lee and encourages flex time. Helping working moms balance it all.
For music lovers, just discovered Let's you customixe the music you want to hear from your desktop.
Finally surrendering to the fact that I lost my ipod. Makes my Christmas present easy.
My daughter is pratically walking at 6 months. I am in trouble. She doesn't stop moving and climbs up everything.
Just hired someone for my team. Happy to be able to hire someone in this economy when so many are losing jobs.
Bringing a bunch of sports and events guru's to the WISE holiday party in NYC tonight.
Just closed my first magazine issue solo on my b-day!
Just landed in NYC from 10 days in Rio. It's FREEZING here!
Just learned a new trick: Use visine to make your eyes look bigger and clearer. I am a novice.
First day I arrived my mother in-law asked me if I wanted to get botox while I am here. I am bearly 30 !
Some of Brazil's beauty habits scare me.
About to get my makeup done for a wedding. The makeup artist is wearing a mask like a dentist. I'm scard!
At one of the top club's in Rio. Interesting to see how Red Bull is promoting its product here.
@inspiremetoday How is the BVI? I am looking for a place to go for Xmas.
@zappos Happiness is spending time with my daughter
Didn't know Coke's 3rd largest market is Brazil. Having dinner w a friend who works at Coke in Rio.
Lv shopping in Brazil esp Rio. Amazing and unique clothes. Fab comfortable fabrics.
Sad. All the facilities built for the Pan Amer games are empty bc there is no $ to invest.
At the Queen show w Paul Rogers in Rio. Impressive set up.
Gotta love the Brazilians ... Just heading to dinner now @ 10:15pm.


DocRob Chris Brogan the Domestic Diva CNN Breaking News B. Bonin Bough jobacle Social Media Club The New York Times Adrants On the Baseline  Liz Strauss Michelle MacPhearson Geoff Livingston Peter Shankman Sherry Carr Deer Mediabistro Jason Peck Dan Schawbel JetBlue Airways Kelby Carr Amanda Mooney Kathleen Hessert CEO -Tony Jessica Smith Maria Reyes McDavis hendrylee Allison Braley jennifer boardman Magic Hat Brewing Co Sammy Davis 20somethingirl Breaking News Ad Age Black Tennis Pro's B