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Blog: Adobe's disappointing results
Eco-friendly PDF. Just downloaded Nominet's Industry Report PDF - says "this paper is 75% recovered fibres" :-)
Blog: Sun's JavaFX, another go at applets
I'm having trouble viewing videos on JavaFx site, which use the new runtime (it installed OK). Overloaded? Should have used YouTube :-)
Sun's JavaFX is launched
What's new in Flex 4 - good summary from Matt Chotin
my last session #maxmilan - what's new in Flex Builder 4.
is it my imagination, or is MXML getting more like XAML? Lots of new graphical elements, expressiveness, in MXML 2009 #maxmilan
Great session on what's new in Flex 4 from Matt Chopin - couldn't tweet cos no power and wifi poor (hope Adobe is listening). #maxmilan
asked whether Tamarin open source code is identical to what is in Flash Player - Jim Corbett says yes, but not always in synch #maxmilan
Indexing Flash content: virtual user that actually runs the code in a "search player" so that dynamic content is indexed, not just static.
Pixel Bender is multi-core graphic effects engine in Flash Player - can actually use this for a kind of multi-threading for math operations!
FP GPU mode (hardware rendering) can even be slower because it renders some stuff that is later overlaid and invisible. Software avoids ......
hardware rendering in Flash Player - much faster but might look "a little bit different" from software renderer #maxmilan
More on Alchemy on the Reg
Loader.unloadAndStop() - brute force method of freeing everything - walks displayobject tree frees everything possible
must set references to null in AS when done with them otherwise garbage collector will not free memory
Adobe is putting more of its runtime into AS rather than in the Player - keeps core runtime size down - means size claims misleading?
Flash Player is essentially three parts: two VMs that execute bytecode (one AS3, one earlier), a display list, and a renderer
AS3 optimization: use typed objects, seal classes, use vector<> not Array, avoid globals, use compiler strict mode #maxmilan


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