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@rufusd happy birthday buddy! Have a spectacular day!
@TweetDeck like it but looks too much like a game to me. Don't really see the link with the app.
Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party is freaking awesome. Best Wii game I've seen/played so far.
@tweetdeck can I add one more feature request? I'd like to have notificationsounds per column ;-) would be great for DM's and replies
Just blogged:The things people do for a MAX Award :D
ROFL!!! RT @vilebody: the Wim Vanhenden challenge livestream:
@stijnworks Well yeah, I know that but it automatically always goes back to adding my current location. Or at least what he thinks is my loc
@vilebody Can you setup a live stream? :D
Stupid Adium thinks I am still in Milan. Where on earth is that setting to turn that thing off?
@peterelst Are you moderating your comments? I think that is the only effective way to not get blogspam
Cool... Seeing a serious sudden growth in Twitter followers. Welcome all!
Aaah... Home sweet home. Had lots of fun at MAX and will post some notes and slides tomorrow.
@spaulds it was a pleasure working with you Andrew! Thanks for your help!
Boarding the flight home. Gonna be home for a few weeks and really looking forward to it.
Don't really feel like getting out of bed this morning.
Can't believe it's 3 am already. Crazy night...
That last wodka shot may have been too much but I really needed it. G'night Twitterati
I totally love our community btw. Thank you all for your tweets and emails.
Maybe this is just a nightmare and I'm just about to wake up?


Scott Fegette deeje Scott Janousek Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart phillip Kevin Niqui Aral Chris Mills Mike Downey Stef. Robin Wauters Alan Lewis Doug Winnie Robert Hall Greg R Daniel Dura Ted Patrick Loic Le Meur Peter Elst Miel Van Opstal Keith Peters eric dolecki Pete Aylward Kevin Hoyt Cali Lewis Guy Watson Twitter Mike Jones Flex Framework ApolloCamp bart chanet Bart Steven Verbruggen James Ward
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