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@dayn, I wish more people would get on board w/ PDF for attachments.
oh I hate when I forget the detailed stuff
Eagerly awaiting black Friday purchase. Hurry up FedEx!
Rooting for the Spokane Chiefs
Christmas tree is up
Office08 for $150 thanks msft
Cell phone started beeping at me; must be time to charge.
Just had a great lunch with some friends.
Thinking I should have worked from home today.
Just saw Twilight, not bad might have to read the books.
Waiting for VSS to catch up.
Checked out NXE lastnight not sure about the benefits didn't dig around too much.
Downloading the update for my 360
Just drank my last can of spooookiwi jones soda. Now I will have to wait till next Halloween to get more.
downloading ensemble - tofino beta ( Flex in VS2008!
Not sure why I always let Adobe Updater run Acrobat updates. It just means I have to restart my computer. Will I ever learn?
Max liveblogging Many thanks to Serge Jespers!
Installing Tour de Flex
Wishing Adobe streamed the Max keynote/general sessions over the internet like Microsoft does w/ MIX and PDC
@Stratification You are not the only one bummed about missing Max


Dom Sagolla Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Twitterrific Kevin Rose Daniel Dura Ted Patrick Jason Mauer Adiumy Flex Framework Adobe AIR ApolloCamp Matthias Zeller 360Flex John Dowdell Josh Buhler Lee Brimelow dayn wilberding Mark Simonds Nick Murto silverlight Jesse Liberty Aaron Leavitt marsee henon O2Apps OnAirBusTour Pacifica Mark Piller Rafael Ochoa Christine Furst Apple Inc Rachel Luxemburg johncblandii Scott McAllister heymax