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Purple Heart Vets: Enter Drawing for Free Trip to Vietnam

2008 Pearl Harbor Speech

TSGLI Expands Benefits for Traumatically Injured Servicemembers

'Controversy Over War Memorials'
Veterans Groups Ask U.S. Supreme Court to Save Memorials

Mail for Mending G.I.s Swamps Walter Reed

Harleysville Insurance Sponsoring Thanksgiving “Free Call Day” for Troops in Middle East

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The VFW Guards the Guardians

Robert F. Dorr’s December 1 commentary, “VFW, Legion must modernize in order to thrive” is interesting reading but regrettably focuses on archaic stereotypes that are simply re-hashing many of his embedded misunderstandings of what veterans service organizations really accomplish.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S. was founded in 1899 by Spanish-American and Philippine War veterans who returned home to a government that bore little responsibility to care for wounds or rehabilitation. Since then, and through every war and conflict in the 20th and 21st centuries, the VFW has led the way to promote strong military and veterans’ legislation.
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VFW Chief Calls on Vietnam Veterans for Help in MIA/POW Mission

VFW Commander-in-Chief Glen Gardner is once again calling upon veterans of the Vietnam War to search their memory and files for any information that might be of value in determining the fate of Vietnam’s 300,000 MIAs and might be of assistance in the recovery of their remains.

Providing information of this nature to the Vietnamese government helps to generate good will among its people and further assists U.S. efforts in its investigative and recovery operations for America’s MIAs. Information is also needed for the Laotian and Cambodian governments to help account for their missing.
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