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The iPhone just turned off all by its onesies.
First look at Opera 10 alpha is promising. Weee for Dragonfly!
Left my phone at home. Note I didn't say 'iPhone'. It's a phone.
Sure is raining. Big fat wallops of chunk rain. Lots of rain.
A conversation between someone too sheltered and someone too intolerant is one of the most annoying things to overhear.
Finally re-signed up for my old gym. Time to rehab my knee like a mofo.
This pre-fab lasagne looks more like an STD. Um, I mean what would I know?
Don't tell me it's ten past five on a Friday and I'm still at my desk. Beer, where art thou?
VMWare Fusion, I love you for your hidden settings.
@mollydotcom WRT the B string, it's a long explanation, but tuning by harmonics or a tuner will do the trick. Frets are a few % off at G/B..
Attending a talk by Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd -
Looking for Digitech Whammy prices, and maybe even a ZVex Fuzz Factory. Go noisy, go!
Not slept more than a couple of hours a night since surgery. On the mend though, let's hear it for me!
@pearsonified Thanks for the linkies! Yeah, it's a pretty lazy font-stack as is, need to fix 'er up quick smart...
Haven't had a coffee since before surgery last Wed. Might partake...
So, I've seen a few shortened URLs that are longer than the URLs they were used to shorten.
Just got the stitches out from my knee reconstruction. Can walk (slowly) again, a week in. Crazy.
Fasting, getting ready to go under the knife. Sigh, so hungry...
Studyin' up on my Flex + Cairngorm skills. Win.