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@ResourcefulMom good luck with the party tonight :)
@dbradfield good to know...was just about to go catch the express Z...will stick to underground 2nite...have a good weekend!
@socialmedium U mean you dont leave the gray slush that gets into your shoes & stains pants???
@MyCreativeTeam have you tried the polenta? if I recall correctly its an aperitif but it is quite good
@ResourcefulMom turned out to be more like Thanksgiving midnight feast than dinner :)
@ResourcefulMom happens to the aunt swore she had turned the oven when she put the turkey in on Thanksgiving...needless 2 say it
@PRjobs cool...drop me a line when ur in town :)
@deafmom some of my banker friends but I see that doing something b/c u enjoy it really can be rewarding :)
@deafmom My work has been hard (juggling full-time school too) but it's worth it b/c I really do love what I do... Ill never make as much as
@PRjobs are you in NY already?
finally have time 2 respond 2 the many emails I have received this week...I apologize if I have offended any1 but deadline work comes 1st :)
@GeekMommy I thought so too...but Im chalking it up to the end-of-the-year crush that always happens :)
@deafmom thats awesome...congrats on the job...and double congrats for getting one u actually like in these economic times :)
@Karoli susceptible to change...altho ur point about generational differences is true...we really do need to move away from stereotypes :)
@Karoli and I'm not defending extreme undermining reactions from the left...I just think that opinions based in belief/emotion are much less
@Karoli a good # of ppl on the religious right will ever accept those they don't agree with...they might tolerate them but never accept them
@Karoli I take issue with the word tolerant...b/c you can tolerate someone's presence but not necessarily accept them...i don't really think
@Karoli tolerant? maybe. Accepting? nope.
@ResourcefulMom Nope but def. homicide...some remains were as small as pebbles...tragic
@ResourcefulMom its def her...bone DNA testing confirms


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