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neo4j... yikes! any twitters with neo4j show up on the neo4j homepage. I'm using neo4j for a radio graphing experiement using APIs
@nawroth - you meant "your" eclipse, not that "myeclipse" commercial product, right? That thing seems like an awful trainwreck.
neo4j is interesting, but I still have reservations about the Affero GPL license. It seems a bit extreme.
Vote Sonatype. They supported the Maven Book and Jason's Team is dedicated to improving Maven:
aptana is awful eclipse bloatware - only took me 60 minutes to download - now it wants me to read "Aptana" email in eclipse
Google's Technology is indistinguishable from the capacity of an invading extraterrestrial power:
@littleidea he's a genius irreparably damaged by fearful religion. defriending/confronting. Unfortunate, facebook overextends our networks
Former high-school colleague wrote this horridly bigoted facebook message equating same-sex couples with rapists. Engage or unfriend?
Bogus, the IL Dept of Revenue just shutdown the best coffee shop in Evanston - Italian Coffee Bar on Sherman ist kaput.
@ZeeDotMe me + coffee == uncontrollable sneezing. But only certain regions - Guatemala beans turn me into a wheezing freak.
@swinz tough times for toy train displays - hopefully Congress will provide necessary cash injection for X-mas displays.
@GregElin that comcast install CD is the devil, avoid it at all costs.
@NadjaB It gets much much worse, Joe the Plumber's site trumpets "Secure Our Dream 2.0 website launches" he is now Joe the Plumber 2.0
is unfortunate enough to be both allergic and addicted to Coffee
I'm still not used to this:
@mpodrazik those stats assume 100% coal power, my electrons are 10% coal from Comed. Waiting for LEDs, neurotoxins are not green.
Officemate fired up about installing Compact Flourescents. They contain Mercury. How many really recycle them? I'm guessing very few.
Sleet? Seriously? Is winter here already?
@ColonelTribune three bodies found 1200s even judson in Evanston cops mum northwestn journos on scene


Tony Stubblebine Sarah Milstein nanek om Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh ignazio GregElin Nancy Scola Dan Diephouse Caterina brady forrest Meg Hourihan Michael Koziarski Ryan Stewart Joshua Levy Russell Bassman Greg Stein Simon Willison Edd Dumbill Nate Koechley Avi Bryant Ted Leung Paul Downey Alex Payne Chris DiBona Jeff Barr Frederic Dumeny Silona Jeremy Zawodny Daniel Appelquist xtof Bill de hOra Brian Jepson Jon Tirsen
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