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@Gartenberg I think Palm may have lowered expectations to a point where almost anything of substance will be a big deal, at least for them.
I think I'm going to start a 2nd career as a motivational speaker
@tombiro Ryan did have an idea for a contest where he and I would edit someone's blog for a day
@phonescooper Not yet, I hate buying a new phone now because I know that lots of new stuff will be announced in Q1.
Ported my number, now my voicemail isn't working. That's actually a positive, not sure I'm going to fix it.
@Shoshingo I do speak Spanish, but not as well as I should.
Nah, I don't correct the homework!
Some professor in Colombia gave out my email address as his own, I've been getting homework sent to me in Spanish almost every day for years
@jillfehr needs a new cellphone. Which is almost like I'm getting a new cellphone. So hard to decide
@boblmartens One can only hope. I'm still waiting for them to port Google Docs to the G1
@ianholton Gotta enable it in Labs
Really happy to see that Gmail has added a To Do list
20 degrees outside, it's making it really tough for me to motivate to go outside
@wylew Sounds like what was wrong with mine, what color is yours?
@wylew I'm curious, what's wrong with it exactly?
Now @jillfehr is doubly mad that I tweeted that I'm a tweetburgler before she could.
@jillfehr says I'm a tweetburgler because she spotted jim jarmusch first but I was quicker with my phone
Just spotted Jim Jarmusch on Houston and Allen.
New podcasts from gdgt - - and RCRD LBL today!
@gstylemagazine We talked about it a bit in episode 7, in retrospect it seems a bit like a placeholder for the N97.


seanbonner om Daniel Scott Beale Dave Winer JohnBorthwick joshua schachter eric L drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Emily Chang Andy Baio Justin Hall ian c rogers Chet Gulland Rex Sorgatz Khoi Vinh Michael Gartenberg Peter Kafka Ethan Kaplan Marc Nathan kim garretson Kevin Rose Clive Thompson Joi Ito Randall Bennett Josie Fraser Allison Mooney Lockhart Steele Conrad Quilty-Harper Scott Karp Tom Biro Ariel Waldman Gabe Rivera Caroline