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@hcurrier LOL took the pic at end of my talk and they were taking a break. - Thx from NKU PR class everyone
talking to PR class at NKU. do you have any advice for senior level class?
@CThilk @tombiro you said buzzed phoner.
@PRNewser @brad_king stopped in last time I spoke. not sure if he can make it tonight. this is for a PR class vs. media informatics.
Looks the Super Bowl will be another Twit-tastic advertising event @pblackshaw is already firing up @spotcritic for the big ads during game.
Headed to Northern Kentucky University tonight to help mold fine young minds. Kinda scary, huh?!
@jonreischel that story came from where church and state street meet?
the backstory on various movie studio logos: @CThilk is sure to appreciate this.
having lunch with @daniellally. should be fun.
@ParentopiaDevra oh "you" with all that "stuff" you blog about. read my pitch and talk to my CEO. puh-lease!
@rferrier if the pitch is on topic, they can call me whatever they want (for reals). but it's the second impression after the subject line.
@mike_elgan one third of Facebook users are US? wow. also amazing to note they host more pics than Flickr.
just got a pitch that starts out: "Dear Website owner" Um, that would be Six Apart/Typepad or Google/Blogger you want to talk to then. FAIL
more simple truths from Indexed:
@Armano @ShamaHyder @Michael_Hoffman @JessicaLHansen click on the :30 spot link let me know whatcha think
anyone else digging the Adidas "Celebrate Originality" commercials?
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