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went to CostCo... could not find a parking spot... came home.
Trying to order holiday cards on Shutterfly... frustrated and ready to use a crayon instead.
Watching The Grinch with my family... and drinking some BR Cohn cab. It's a good night.
@JessicaKnows My hubby gets a box of Cherry Cordials every holiday! I, on the other hand, love the almond M&Ms.
@colincrook bring a calculator in case they have a pop quiz!
RT @NoOnProp8 Plan ahead for next Wed. "Day Without A Gay" -- "I'm feeling a little queer and won't be in"
California may be out of cash in February
@dcrmom I love LUCKY JEANS... am I too late?
@DVDQuotes Dead Poet's Society
RT @bberrymom I'm taking a poll. Did you have a job as a teenager? [Yes, started babysitting in 4th gr.Great post!]
@sbenzur if you are mad at UPS, start following @mattceni (he works for FedEx)
@justinkistner @RedBullMom @prrobin my holiday sweater is actually a CLASSY vest. I guarantee you it cost real $$. Yikes.
@VloggingMoms Check out Working Moms Against Guilt blog, they are great writers. (Tell them LTV Mom sent you!)
@prrobin @RedBullMom Just got my ugly sweater for @vocenation holiday party. Wow, mine will be hard to beat. Sadly, came from mom's closet.
@OhanaMamaBlog I wanna be a #targetmoms
RT @OhanaMamaBlog Aloha! #targetmoms Revisted So earlier in the week, I was all a twitter about perhaps a..
working on my holiday cards when I should be working on... work.
@americanadian "Lemon Out!!" (back at ya, babe!)


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