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not cuil: when you say you index more pages than google, but when i search MY NAME you don't return my site as a result at all. dead to me.
I am drinking the absolute worst coffee right now at the Honda dealership while I wait to pay $127 for them to fix plastic. Awesome.
I find it funny that the only app that ever freezes on my mac is microsoft word. Damn you bill.
helps if you read the rest of the post ... just a mistake. who got fired?
reading about twitter's new redesign, but i'm not seeing it. maybe this was released only to people who matter?
would love to be able to see how many followers my followers have without having to click through to their page. seems simple enough ...
@metafluence should definitely be your new twitter avatar
@tomforemski touches on a great point regarding education - educators are behind. how do we train the next generation? #sncr
@brynkathryn I did! We went to get some beer and I said it on the phone when I got a call. Weird. We talked about it.
chillin' with my brother-in-law in Sonoma watching the Sharks kick ass in game 7. Go SHARKS!
@brynkathryn I miss you, too. Drive up. Manuel won't mind. ;)
"conversation": quickly becoming an overused word?
@shelisrael do we really need them when we can search by topic/term?
At NewComm about to take in the opening keynote. This should be good.
@IrishAnnieMarie dude, what time is it on now? 10? UGH
in reporting hell pulling my hair out. damn you measurement! i hate you.
@moesch @mmanuel i'm a magnet for that kind
wondering what kind of folks are going to show up to tonight's third thursday meetup ... um, interesting (?) group last time around.
@metafluence yeah, tell me about it! i've considered moving out of state but the job is good to me and i can't leave it or family
@brynkathryn but then you'd never leave the house!


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