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Parody...or real ad? You decide!
I am hearing way too much online and offline about the movie LOVE ACTUALLY. Just wanted to tweet that out loud.
Enjoying coffee and RSS reading before a long (but fun!) day ahead
The fact that I missed last night's meetup....proves that I'm still very web 1.0 in some regards. (Didn't know about it)
Plans for tomorrow pm - comics meetup with @docmidnight, followed by Cinematic Titanic at 10:30. Aka "my awesome Xmas present to myself"
@andyangelos - I guess the poo market on craigslist is really happening, huh?
@Zesmerelda - Geez. I never thought I'd live to see the day. I'm absolutely gobsmacked.
@Zesmerelda - He really SAID that? Out loud?
Why can I not get "I Wanna See You Work It, Work It" out of my head?
Free Philosophers Notes e-books for Christmas! (For your listening pleasure)
RT @LouisTrapani - Best. Reason. Twitter. Exists.
@me3dia - sometimes I follow people (like @AnnaTarkov) with no other expectation than to learn. Don't expect reciprocity at all.
@andyangelos - some Tweeters are just plain thin skinned. Myself included.
RT @Starbucker I tell myself I want money b/c I think it will make me happy. But I have the power to be happy w/o depending on $$ now!
@BookGnome - You could always go with my default: socks. Of course, they always get re-gifted to me the next year, so go figure
Drinking darjeeling tea rather than coffee this morning. I'm man enough to admit that openly.
If Irving Berlin were alive today, I would.....kick his sorry self to the curb. What was he thinking when he wrote "White Christmas"?
Oh, joy. Snow on the ground. Hopefully, should be able to get to work in timely fashion.


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