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In Ballymun tax office trying to tax car. Computers are down how did they manage before?
@elfinamsterdam wish it was possible to follow via tweet deck
Person with over 1200 updates is only following me WTF - run Forest run lol
OK this time it was bad. Delighted to see Twitter is flagging spammer accounts
It prevents me from following people back which is becoming a pain in the orse
Sigh - everything I clear my history I can never login to twitter site without going via lost password yet the password is always the same
@johnpeavoy If @Paulwalsh did in expect to see him in drag :)
@johnpeavoy You'll have to vote for him anyway
About time I had some lunch, just cant decide what it is I would like to eat. Hate when that happens
@ewanspence on Last nights TopGear he did just that :)
@bksolutions Is that coupon vaild for after xmas. Will be moving then
Heading up to for a session and pints many pints
@johnpeavoy lol count yourself luckly I'm not in town tonight, got other plans which include many pints, pity I didnt know ur in Dub.
@johnpeavoy Sure you'll have the rest ofthe year to recover :)
Is anyone else attending the Ericsson Workshop tomorrow in Dublin EP?
@johnpeavoy How many peeps are you talking, I can make a call
On OSX mail app is it possible to get the rules to ignore a single account such as gmail?
@smccarron jewelry on ebay christmass bling ;)
Checking out online accounting for small business AND free for start-ups :)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Adam Rugel seanbonner Kathy Johnson Jason Calacanis Alan Bradburne Nelson Minar James Corbett Dan York Pat pixeldiva Jon Roobottom Robert Scoble stephanieontour Mike Butcher Walter Higgins Ryan Carson Scott Rutherford Doug Clinton Sam Sethi Eris Stassi Philip Wilkinson dotBen Bernie Goldbach Hugh MacLeod David James Pearce arvindnatarajan Lloyd Davis Ewan Spence John Hamilton Joe Drumgoole Ian Hayward technokitten
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