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come on over to the @MatthewEbel concert RIGHT NOW!!
30 minutes to go! get your @MatthewEbel fix!
OOHH LIVE ustream concert at 5pm eastern!
if you keep doing what you're doing, you will keep getting what you're getting. CHANGE what you do to CHANGE what you get-my motto 4 today
i wonder if my mom will notice that i've been hitting the Christmas cookies? the tin will be empty by the holidays! oops.
Dear Twitter users, don't use a profile picture that looks like a mug shot. SMILE. Why would I want to follow if you look like a felon?
i follow a lot of people that have sm. biz marketing blogs/ideas. think i'm actually going to READ some of them today & put ideas to work
no matter how much i drink, red wine will never replace Perocet. oouucchh. maybe i should have married a masseuse
time for some wine, balsamic vinegar & goat cheese. kids are asleep (well, 7 year old is still up reading Lemony Snicket books)
carpet cleaning guys here & gone. did a great job. i wonder how long it will take kids/dogs to mess it up again? xmas tree goes up tonight
ok, that's ASS. viewing my gMail msgs in iGoogle doesn't let you click links within an email? WHY???
@xarah normally, yes, but i have things to do today that require me to GO and DO stuff outside office/house. i didn't plan my week so well
why does my son sound like a Spore creature? it's an improvement over the terradactyl he used to sound like
ok i'm officially bored of waiting for the carpet cleaner guys. i guess i could enter in my customer's Arbonne orders while i wait.
updating my Plaxo connections. next up, LinkedIn. Need to make connections for my mom to get a job (she's very Web 0.01)
carpet cleaners due to arrive anywhere from 9am to 1pm. it will be 9am *OR* 1pm i'm sure.
@Rounderz @EricLGN yeah, i was sober. i just called my neighbor and told her i hit her mailbox, there were witnesses after all.
hello crappy Monday. i just hit my neighbors mailbox with my car. no damage to either but i feel like an ass. time for drinky-drinky yet?
@istarman agreed. stupid comcast office. @comcastcares frank works even when he gets home. office slackers...
stupid freaking comcast. i just drove 50 min to exchange my new/broken cablebox and they are closed on mondays. lovely.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Matthew Bischoff Justine Rich Chris Brogan julien Bob Goyetche kristen crusius drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman Harold Chuck Olsen Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Jay Moonah Veronica Belmont Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell eMan Mark Blevis  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Howard Greenstein Robert Scoble Stevievep giovanni Kent Starbucks Coffee John Gruber neville
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