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please call me at 415 ..... if you see an iphone skittering around the streets of hsinchu... no great adventure without price(s)
All family dinner, no English and @littlebee168 punishing me with no translation :)
Last day in taiwan. Family lunch, explore Hakka area on scooter, family dinner. Done.
Flying pig with @littlebee168 sipping a long island ice pig. It's cold and windy here!
At one of taiwan's top universities. Damn glad I never have to go to school again.
@manoffewwords i actually wouldn't say its decaying at all. on the contrary. will post pics. watch for them at tommypjr on flickr.
Tainan night market is HUGE. No other yang guai tszi in sight. Gorging.
I almost said that some places in Taiwan suck but Tainan actually is damn nice in a weird industrialized way
180mph on the Taiwan high speed train. Beats the fuck out of flying. No bs security no checking bags, just get on and go
Broke out of sick prison for 4th meal. I'm human again. Nice to be back.
tahnks for all the well wishes. am on teh road to recovery. some good hot tiawanese food helping out...
arose for some soup & dumplings. the last thing i want is for @littlebee168 dad to get sick. staying in the room, missing family dinner out
Flat on my back ingesting Taiwanese medicines. Evil, vile cold took a hard turn for the worse.
Leaving Bali but taking a cold with me. Slight damper On an otherwise outstanding(ly short) trip. Must come back se Asia very soon
I think I know what malaria feels like. Bummer. At least we have awesome accomodations for the next 18 hours.
I fucking hate getting sick on vacation. Jebus!
I'm at near Abeansemal, Bali, Indonesia -
At a gamelon performance in ubud. Totally off the charts.
@oxfords it gets better. Just arrived at kayumanis hotel in ubud. This is why we work.
Just arrived in ubud. Holy shit is this place cool. We have so little time here. Am already planning my trip back.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Evan Williams Tim Roberts sara Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Lane Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner nanek Ross om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Paul Thrasher
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